Wedding color palette

Wedding color palette

Get inspired by a collection of wedding-colored templates from VistaCreate.

Find the necessary shades, discover their hex codes, and create heartwarming visuals for your special day. Amaze your guests with well-balanced color combinations and professional designs.


  • Why do I need to know color hex codes?

    Hex codes refer to specific colors, allowing you to use an exact shade in various marketing materials. This will help you keep your designs consistent across different channels.

  • How can I add shades from the wedding color palette to my brand kit?

    Use the Brand Kit feature to save colors you like from the wedding palette. Upload your logo, colors, and fonts to build a Brand Kit. Then, apply it to any selected template and match it to your brand style.

  • How do I use your palette generator in the editor?

    Find the Styles feature on the sidebar menu. It offers color and font combinations created by our designer. Choose one that you like and apply it to your design. Then, shuffle your selected color scheme to see variations of your design.

  • How do I adjust a color palette to my photo?

    After selecting a template you like, upload a photo to the editor or use one from our creative asset collection. Then, click on your image and go to “Styles” on the sidebar menu. You can select your image palette as a color scheme for your design.

Select a template and try out our design features

Select a template and try out our design features

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