Independence Day in Poland

The Poland Independence Day was established in 1918 when the country managed to reunite after being divided between three European empires for over a hundred years. This day is celebrated throughout Poland with concerts and parades.



Marketing Activities

Independence Day History

Poland has dominated Central and Eastern Europe for centuries. It was a far-stretched trade empire that had one of the strongest armies on the continent as well as political deals with the world’s biggest powers.

However, by the end of the 18th century, the power of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth diminished, and the rulers dissolved. The country’s territories got annexed one by one by Russia, Germany, and Austria-Hungary. In 1795, the Polish sovereignty had been put on a 123-years long hold.

This period lasted until 1918 when the aftermath of the First World War crushed them all. With Austria-Hungary nonexistent, and Russia amidst civil war, desperate Germany gave back Poland’s independence in an attempt to create a new friend.

The Polish dream came true. New Poland survived through the challenging years of war and crisis. In 1937 the 11th of November had been written into the nation’s official calendar. The Second World War and decades of communism erased the Independence Day from the media, but Poles cherished their memory and with the fall of the Soviets, the date returned to stay.

Traditions of Independence Day

Independence Day in Poland is an invitation to an impressive and visually unique ceremonial protocol.

The Poles are known for their showy military, the Hussars, whose uniforms were adorned with the feathers, red and gold, and sometimes even life-sized wings over the centuries. Today, the battalions of their descendants parade across the Pilsudski square in Warsaw to mark the event in the way it deserves.

The red-and-white Polish flags adorn walls and lampposts on this day, making the atmosphere uplifted and lightened. The traditional colors can be seen everywhere on this day, starting from the specials in the menus of knajpa, to the office folks’ fancy clothes choice.

Being a favorite holiday, Independence Day in Poland is the day to spend with your family. From military marches downtown to holy masses in the astonishing Polish cathedrals, there are endless possibilities to have fun. Don’t get surprised when you end up in the middle of a party singing patriotic songs!

Marketing Activities for Independence Day

One of the funny quotes of Josef Pilsudski, the man who became the nation’s leader in 1918, was: “Ladies and gentlemen, just like in the song, out of the blue—there was Poland anew!” It gives a few good ideas about the mood of Independence Day in Poland. Take it all with a grain of salt.

November 11th is a bank holiday in Poland, so all the trade businesses are closed. Many brands take their promotion out to the parks, walking streets, and concert halls. Another easy way to jump on the marketing bandwagon this day is to sponsor a sports activity or a concert.

The FMCG sector sees the mild spike of the buys in this period, so if you’re in the food industry, make sure to sweeten up a deal for the shoppers. The same applies if you’re working on behalf of the Polish brand on the international market—add your brand a distinctive personality by highlighting the heritage and giving out gifts.

Hashtags for Independence Day in Poland: #independencedaypoland #polska #niepodleglosc #poland #RP

Colors of Poland Independence Day


Red—the all-time favorite in the category of the emotional colors, the red speaks perfectly to the passionate Polish hearts. Gets used a lot with the white, especially for the slogans.

White—The second biggest color in Poland, white is used to create an uplifted and greeting atmosphere wherever people are celebrating.

Gray—The definition color of November in Poland makes the contrast background for the red-and-white flags, decorations, and attire.

Black—The perfect basic color to complement the other three is black. It might be less noticeable, but it for sure is the most powerful color on the designer palette.

Symbols of Poland Independence Day

Traditional costumes—Poles love their historical fashion, and there’s a lot to love. During the parade, thousands of people dressed up as medieval knights and noblemen go down the central streets. You’ve never seen as many fur hats and coats as you will see on images of the shiny polish Szlachta.

Coat of Arms of Poland—A crowned white eagle on the red background is a common picture on this day. And we’re speaking common as in “common 8-feet-tall walking white eagle with your logo”.

Flag of Poland—The red-and-white flag had been adopted by Poland in the Middle Ages. It carries information about the political union of the white Polish Kingdom, and red Duchy of Lithuania.

Marches—The military marches are a big way to celebrate Independence Day in Poland. Social Media, like Instagram, are perfect for the photos from these posted with patriotic messages.