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The meaning behind gainsboro

Discover Gainsboro's color code, plus helpful advice for your Gainsboro color scheme.

About the color

Gainsboro shares color meanings with other different shades of gray. Because it’s halfway between black and white, gray shades like Gainsboro represent balance and neutrality. Grays can also signify calmness, diplomacy, and intellect. As cool and elegant colors, gray shades like Gainsboro can project excellence and luxury. The hex code for Gainsboro is #DCDCDC.

There’s a fascinating story behind Gainsboro’s color name. It’s part of the X11 color chart, which assigned specific titles to specific RBG color values. Like its predecessors, the X11 system was developed for displaying color graphics on X Windows with Unix-based operating systems. After being finalized in 1989, the X11 color list became the basis of our modern web colors. Gainsboro is one of 101 gray hues in the color chart, taking its name and light gray shade from one of Sinclair Paints’ most popular colors.

Like sleek brushed chrome, Gainsboro draws the eye and suggests a myriad of possibilities without overwhelming the viewer. In many cultures, gray represents aging and the wisdom that can come with it. Western societies associate gray with technology and machine precision. Feng shui, a Chinese form of geomancy, connects gray with the metal element. However, gray can have negative connotations: indecision, uncertainty, boredom, and apathy. Other meanings include sadness, depression, and mourning.

Type Value
RGB 220, 220, 220
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0.14

Application in design

Gainsboro has low saturation and high brightness values, making it a pastel shade. Pale bright colors like these are easy on the eyes and have a soothing effect on people. While Gainsboro is a delicate pale gray, it’s not as faded as bright gray or guyabano gray.

Gainsboro is a versatile color, so it works well in many palettes. Consider a monochromatic color scheme with multiple shades of gray or combinations of gray, black, and white. Gray’s associations with technology and precision make it ideal for brands of luxury vehicles, computers, mobile devices, and auto parts. Luxury fragrance, jewelry, and watch brands can also capitalize on these connotations.

When considering Gainsboro for your brand’s aesthetic, you should contemplate its impact. Gray shades tend to have a futuristic feel, but these benefits aren’t limited to tech, vehicle, and luxury items. Look to relevant examples such as media companies, skincare products, over-the-counter medications, vitamins and supplements, and even athletic apparel brands. Gainsboro’s color meanings of excellence and quality can convey a sense of trust, setting expectations for your brand.

Since it’s a neutral color, Gainsboro pairs well with nearly any other color spectrum. Try contrasting it with medium or darker shades for striking visual impact. If you adopt this strategy, keep in mind the color meaning behind the other shade you use. For instance, greens can represent growth, prosperity, and harmony. Aqua, teal, and turquoise often connote calm, tranquility, and optimism.

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