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Kuvapankin tekijänoikeusvapaat valokuvat ja muut kuvat haulla Couve

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Musta niska Grebe jalostukseen plumage rakentaa pesä
. - Valokuva, kuva

Musta niska Grebe jalostukseen plumage rakentaa pesä .

Musta niska Grebe jalostukseen plumage rakentaa pesä
. - Valokuva, kuva

Musta niska Grebe jalostukseen plumage rakentaa pesä .

Great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus) medium-sized migratory water bird, breeding season. The female sits on the nest and incubates the eggs, the nest is made of aquatic vegetation on the pond. - Valokuva, kuva

Great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus) medium-sized migratory water bird, breeding season. The female sits on the nest and incubates the eggs, the nest is made of aquatic vegetation on the pond.

Great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus) medium-sized migratory water bird, breeding season. The female sits on the nest and incubates the eggs, the nest is made of aquatic vegetation on the pond. - Valokuva, kuva

Great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus) medium-sized migratory water bird, breeding season. The female sits on the nest and incubates the eggs, the nest is made of aquatic vegetation on the pond.

Great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus) medium-sized migratory water bird, breeding season. The female sits on the nest and incubates the eggs, the nest is made of aquatic vegetation on the pond. - Valokuva, kuva

Great crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus) medium-sized migratory water bird, breeding season. The female sits on the nest and incubates the eggs, the nest is made of aquatic vegetation on the pond.