Viva Magenta

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The meaning behind viva magenta

Read about the meaning of the color Viva Magenta, find the hex code, and see how you can incorporate this shade into your designs.

About the color

Pantone has announced Viva Magenta as the color of the year 2023. The institution states that it represents bravery and fearlessness. A Viva Magenta color scheme evokes a sense of strength, energy, and courage.  

Viva Magenta is a combination of different shades of red, crimson, and pink. The Viva Magenta CMYK value is composed of 0, 73, 67, 25. According to the RGB model, this color mainly contains red shades — the Viva Magenta RGB value is 190, 52, 85. The hex code for Viva Magenta is #BE3455. Use this hexadecimal code to apply the Pantone 2023 color to your design 

The color name is derived from a town in Italy where one of the first aniline dyes was found. First, this dye was called “fuchsine”, but was later renamed to celebrate the Italian-French victory near this town.  

The main symbolism behind Viva Magenta alludes to power and energy. With its dynamic vibrancy, this color evokes a rebellious spirit and passion. The meaning behind red is that of fortitude and confidence, while pink shades in design are about boldness and originality.    

Type Value
HEX #be3455
RGB 190, 52, 85
CMYK 0, 0.73, 0.55, 0.25

Application in design

Viva Magenta is captivating and empowering. That’s why a Viva Magenta color scheme can be a winning choice if you want to opt for a trendy color to add an accent. This color is a good solution for packaging, especially if a business is related to beauty, cosmetics, fashion, etc. Use different shades of Viva Magenta to make elements of your packaging design pop.  

As Pantone experts say, Viva Magenta “merges the richness, warmth, and strength of natural matters with the rich, open horizons of the digital world”. This color meaning makes Viva Magenta an excellent solution for multimedia. This hue works well both as an accent color and background. Businesses can use a Viva Magenta color scheme for applications, websites, blogs, or other digital designs to make them stand out. 

Viva Magenta also promotes inspiration and enthusiasm. Enhance your brand aesthetics by using this sophisticated color in your visuals. You can also pair Viva Magenta with its complementary shade (hexadecimal color #34BE9D) and create a truly standout color combination for your social media designs.  

Give an energetic boost to your branded designs with Viva Magenta. 

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