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The meaning behind serenity

Discover serenity’s color meaning and enhance your designs.

About the color

Serenity is a complex color that combines the following colors: blue, white, and a touch of red. Along with its complementary color, rose quartz, it was Pantone Color of the Year 2016. The RGB value of this color is 179, 206, 229, and the hex code for serenity is #B3CEE5. Serenity CMYK values are 22, 10, 0, 10. 

The color name of serenity comes from Latin “serenus”, which means calm and peaceful. That’s why a serenity color scheme evokes a sense of peace, relaxation, and harmony.

Serenity is a light, soft shade of cyan-blue. And like other light blue shades, this color represents innocence, balance, and calmness. The symbolism behind serenity is peace, inspiration, sensitivity, and, of course, serenity. 

Type Value
HEX #b3cee5
RGB 179, 206, 229
CMYK 0.22, 0.1, 0, 0.1

Application in design

Serenity conveys feelings of trust, calmness, and reliability. This is why it is often used in branding. A serenity color scheme is believed to calm people’s nerves, so it is a good choice for businesses related to finance, pharmacy, dentistry, and other industries where it is important to spread confidence in a brand. 

Serenity pairs well with different shades of pink, especially rose quartz. This color combination makes a graphic design tender. Mix serenity with cold blue or grey shades to create an aesthetic color palette that promotes tranquility, security, and reliability. Serenity also combines well with lime. Experiment with silver, purple, and other bright shades to accentuate your serenity-themed visuals.

Experiment with the dreamy serenity and promote your business with sophisticated visuals.

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